
To connect as a community where all are seen, nurtured & encouraged to embrace life-long learning.

To accomplish this mission, Connected Circles, LLC provides a trauma-sensitive environment so students feel safe. Our programs are relationship-based and behaviors are looked at as problems to solve rather than to be controlled. Conflict resolution and team building are developed utilizing the 5 ‘R’s of Restorative Justice: Relationship/Respect/Responsibility/Repair/Reintegration

The word “all” within our mission statement is important to note as we believe that students, staff, and families play important roles to what Connected Circles is as a community.

“Community of hope where change is possible with the right tools. Goal is to show – with word and actions that we as adults care and believe that the students are more than their labels or diagnosis. To provide the safe space for their growing pains with understanding that trauma causes certain limitations and behaviors that are no fault of their own. To hold everyone – staff & students – accountable for actions, words, and responsibility for personal/continual growth. To provide tools to manage selves in healthy ways.”

“We are a fledgling school that offers an alt(ernative) to typical public school infrastructure/curriculum aimed at providing the best educational and therapeutic programs for students that typically don’t excel in a public school setting or have been somewhat abandoned by their school district due to their behaviors. I’d like for the school to meet our group goals and to be an example of how the students that make up our population can achieve at a high educational level. We’ve all sacrificed to try to make this a successful program and I’m proud of the way we all work together even though we are very different personality types.”

“Providing students with the opportunity to grow: educationally, emotionally & personally. Show, don’t tell students how to be part of a community through relationship building, work ethic, and how to make sound moral and ethical actions. Prepare students for whatever goal they see for themselves while assisting them in expanding/exploring new ideas & concepts, bring them out of their comfort zone while providing them with the skills to navigate a world that has and will challenge them at every turn. Responding rather than reacting.”

– Some of our staff, when asked about what makes our school special.