Sending Schools

Connected Circles works in partnership with sending schools to provide the educational and emotional tools to students with the goal of re-entry to the local public school system and community they live in.

Below please find information and documentation that will help in transitioning a student to Connected Circles as well as helpful tools about our programming.

Regarding Referrals: We currently have a wait-list for referrals.

Referral Process: Sending schools (Local Education Agency/LEA) must submit a referral form along with all pertinent supporting documentation to Connected Circles. If it is deemed to be an apparent good fit, Connected Circles will reach out to set up an in-person tour of our campus and the process will proceed from there.


Services Offered

  • Trauma-Informed Practice
  • Individualized Instruction in all Basic Skill Areas
  • Family & Community Engagement
  • Student-led Instruction
  • Job Coaching
  • Individualized Instruction in all Basic Skill Areas
  • Clinical Supports
  • One-on-one Support (Connectors)